We’re Underway!

by Joy Johnson on March 15, 2025

The 2025 filing season for 2024 returns is well underway. CT had a hitch getting it’s business tax returns done and into software companies so all CT business returns with 3/15 deadlines are on extension. CT has finished their forms so now it’s up to software companies to get them coded and into production. Hopefully that won’t take too long.

Other than that, the season is running very smoothly in spite of the hacker “Big Balls” and his little unqualified friends ripping the functionality of the government apart with absolutely no plans or forethought. Since no consideration has been given to the risks of handing government information to a known hacker, be extra extra vigilant. They will never acknowledge it was them who sold our info to North Korea, Russia, or Iranian hackers – if they do – so assume they will and act accordingly.

We’re participating in a program offered by Drake – TIO’s tax software provider – that provides a small amount of identity theft and audit protection. Review it in your Client Copy so if anything should happen you can enlist their help.

Dear Clients,

by Joy Johnson on January 29, 2023

Filing is Underway

The 2023 filing season for 2022 returns is underway. The portals are set up. You can upload your information as you get it. You are in control of your passwords and, therefore, the security of your information. I highly recommend complex passwords.

You can still fax or mail as well. I have a new fax number this year. I haven’t canceled the old one yet, but I will after April 15th. I want to make sure everyone has the new one. The old 6777 phone number still works, but the masses of spam pouring into it make it almost unusable. You all have my personal number. You can text or call. It’s starting to get a bit more spam, but very little for the most part.

I will not send you information via email that is not password protected, and I’d strongly recommend you not send me unprotected information either. Integrity seems to be in the toilet today. The hassles of password-protecting everything are part of the high cost of low integrity.

Let me know when everything is there, and I’ll finish your return. If you have any questions or problems, let me know.

2021 COVID Stimulus Payments

February 3, 2022

We can start filing now, and returns are coming in. The IRS is extremely shaky already. If a return can slide through the automated system, and any payment or refund handled electronically, it should be fine. The least little thing to derail it may derail it for months. We have to reconcile the third COVID […]

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Gmail Issues

January 17, 2022

I’ve been using Gmail since it was released, and I know I’m responsible for getting many of you hooked on it too. I discovered today that it’s putting your messages – that I’ve created filters for – in Spam. I don’t have the time right now to edit all the filters to add “Never send […]

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2022 Filing Season Starts Jan 24th

January 10, 2022

The IRS has announced that it will start accepting returns on Jan. 24th. I see nothing on the CT DOR website and they haven’t emailed me an update. None of the tax software is ready to go yet. Hopefully, everything else will also be in place when the IRS is ready on the 24th. What […]

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IRS Still Not Answering Phones

June 9, 2021

This was from another tax preparer regarding their experience with the IRS. “I am going to kill myself, and then after that, send the IRS a nasty letter. After being on hold for 105 minutes (yes an hour and 45 minutes, I finally got through to a person in the Business and Specialty Tax section. […]

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The Current State of the IRS

June 3, 2021

Please give the IRS a bit of extra time this year. If your return is very straightforward, it will slide through the mechanized system, and you probably won’t see much of a difference from previous years. If there’s anything on it that might require a bit of additional review or a different process, having Unemployment […]

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Unemployment Exclusion From Income

March 18, 2021

CT will follow the Federal exclusion of up to $10,200 in Unemployment income. “Is Connecticut income tax liability impacted by the exemption from income of the first $10,200 of unemployment compensation in the American Rescue Plan Act? (added 3/16/2021) The starting point in determining an individual’s Connecticut income tax liability is the individual’s federal adjusted gross […]

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March 14, 2021

The MisAdministration made a real effort last year to destroy the US Post Office, the IRS, and many other Governmental Agencies. Please do not send important mail that needs to be delivered in a timely fashion using any method that is not trackable. So far this year, two regular mail packages have failed to arrive […]

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March 11, 2021

Just a quick reminder that CT has a new Family Leave plan. It’s a bit like RI’s TDI program. It’s meant to relieve some of the financial pressure if you or a family member faces illness, expenses rise, and income drops. Sole Proprietors are eligible to participate. It’s mandatory for employers. Get the details HERE.

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