2019 CT Tax Changes

by Joy Johnson on January 25, 2020


The key changes are the Plastic Bag fee of 10¢ per single-use plastic bag that took effect in August, 2019. You can go back to paper bags or sell thicker reusable bags to customers. I don’t recommend giving them away but that’s up to you. You could build giving them away into some kind of loyalty or membership program. An example might be offering one or two free bags with a “membership.”

There’s one good thing: Public Act 19-117, signed by Gov. Lamont on June 26, 2019, sunsets the $250 biennial Connecticut Business Entity Tax (BET). This reduces cost and headache and that almost never happens with taxes. For example, the 10% Corporate tax surcharge that was supposed to end at the beginning of 2019 was continued for two more years.

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