CT DRS Issues

by Joy Johnson on April 28, 2020

Keep an eye on CT DRS. I’ve seen a couple of really weird things happening – personal refunds hijacked to pay liabilities that never showed and do not exist for a company that’s been closed for two years and dates on forms online not resetting or presenting correctly. All tax agencies are absolutely overwhelmed and breaking down right now so it pays to keep a close eye on all of them but I’m seeing the problems I ‘ve just described with CT.

If you’re intending to make a payment give extra attention to due dates. For example, first-quarter S&U – OS-114 payments are not due until June 1 if you qualify for the extension. You can have them come out earlier because you choose the payment date but you don’t have to pay them until then. Make sure the payments come out as intended. Whether you do your own payroll or Sales and Use Taxes, or I do them, watching from your end will be helpful.

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