Dear Clients,

by Joy Johnson on January 29, 2023

Filing is Underway

The 2023 filing season for 2022 returns is underway. The portals are set up. You can upload your information as you get it. You are in control of your passwords and, therefore, the security of your information. I highly recommend complex passwords.

You can still fax or mail as well. I have a new fax number this year. I haven’t canceled the old one yet, but I will after April 15th. I want to make sure everyone has the new one. The old 6777 phone number still works, but the masses of spam pouring into it make it almost unusable. You all have my personal number. You can text or call. It’s starting to get a bit more spam, but very little for the most part.

I will not send you information via email that is not password protected, and I’d strongly recommend you not send me unprotected information either. Integrity seems to be in the toilet today. The hassles of password-protecting everything are part of the high cost of low integrity.

Let me know when everything is there, and I’ll finish your return. If you have any questions or problems, let me know.

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